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1. All athletes, with no exception, MUST BE a member of the PCA & pay the show registration fee before any participation on stage.
2. It is the competing athletes’ responsibility to make themselves aware of all relevant competition rules & adhere to them.
3. Variations to classes, omissions to classes & additional classes are at the discretion of the promoter but must be approved by the head judge.
4. Athletes may only compete in ONE single class in any of the qualifying classes per show. Promoters may put on other classes outside of the qualifying classes such as local area competitions & these can be entered additionally.
5. Any age relative class will require the athlete to produce ID at registration.

6.  The minimum age to compete in any PCA event is 16 years old.
7. All qualifying shows will operate as a run-through event. Athletes will go on stage, participate & then receive placings, trophies, invitations, etc.
8. No background music shall include swear words, blasphemy or promote violence or racial hatred. In any instances of this happening the music will be stopped.
9. The head judge has in exceptional cases the authority to remove or to not allow an athlete to step on stage if it is felt that the athlete has not reached a basic minimum standard required for a competitive athlete.

10. By registering for a PCA event, participants acknowledge and agree to the publication of their names on relevant social media posts or publications related to the event.

Full criteria download here: (FULL CRITERIA PDF)

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